Data Analysis Spreadsheet
Data assessment is a key to good teaching, and allows teachers to re-teach specific standards when necessary. In order to analyze the data of a formative assessment, I chose to use Google Sheets. I am very familiar with the use of Microsoft Excel, and found Google Sheets to be very similar. I set it up by placing student names down the first column, and the standard number across the top row. I placed a Y or N to describe whether or not a student met the specific standard. After that was done for each student, I highlighted any "N" to allow the outliers to standout. One flaw I found with using Google Sheets was that this would have to be done manually every test. It would be cool if the program automatically highlighted cells with a N.
By adding color to any student/standard that was not met, it was easy to see that standard M:01:NO:6.4 really needs re focus, because only one student answered the question correctly. There were also a number of students who missed standards M:02:GM:6.6 (S), M:02:GM:6.6 (S), M:02:GM:6.7 (S), and M:03:FA:6.1 (S). I think re-teaching of these standards is necessary and possibly as large group instruction. After reteaching of the highly missed standards (less than 60% met) with activities and practice, the teacher can set up smaller groups for the less missed standards. I would suggest setting up stations where students who need practice with different standards can get the help they need. It also allows students who did well to have time for enrichment. They can be given activities that further their understanding of what they were tested on.
This sheet can also make it easier for a teacher to see where a particular student is at with their understanding. For example, Zoran, Zyntar, Zhield, and Zamsung answered three or four answers correctly. This suggests that these students need more one on one help, or small group instruction to better help them to understand the standards. There are also a few students who did do well overall (Zucy, Zorelda, Zirii, and Zinvis). These students can help to re teach other students who did not meet specific standards. This would be helpful to all parties. Students who help their peers to better understand material, in turn gain a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of the content (Marzano, 2010).
Marzano, R. (2010, October). Art and Science of Teaching/Reviving Re Teaching. Retrieved January 24, 2016, from
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